To WCCUSD School Board
Experienced. Independent. Fiscally Minded. A Track Record of Success
It has been my honor and pleasure to serve the community through some of the toughest times in modern education history. In my short 20 months on the board, I am pleased to share some of my larger accomplishments:
Created a Safe Return to Classrooms
Reopened schools during COVID-19 returning students safely to classrooms.
Provided Stringent Health and Safety Protocols including upgrades to air filtration systems, free weekly COVID testing and robust contact tracing. Last year, the District administered over 330,000 free COVID tests.
Boldly passed a COVID-19 vaccine mandate requiring students 12+, employees, contractors, volunteers and visitors to get vaccinated.This action resulted in a 87%+ vaccination rate.
Invested in Classrooms
Prepared for students to return by lowering class size, hiring more counselors/lowered caseloads and adding more campus security personnel.
Set aside millions for investments into career and technical education pathways, equity-related initiatives and technology upgrades.
Saved Older Adult Education from the chopping block.
Hired a new superintendent of schools.
Embarked on a new strategic planning process to close our opportunity and achievement gaps once and for all.
Approved a Director of Student Recruitment and Retention to tackle attendance and enrollment challenges.
Strong Fiscal Management
True to my word, I said that I would bring creative thinking forward to solve fiscal challenges. I:
Rewrote all charter school policies requiring stricter criteria for new schools that want to open here and take our students, and setting a higher bar for petition renewals.
Created a 7-11 committee to consider income-generating ideas for unused/unusable properties.
Hired a governmental relations expert providing the WCCUSD its own seat at "Sacramento table," fighting directly for what our students, teachers and employees need and deserve.
Performed my fiduciary duty to try to keep the district out of County Office of Education fiscal oversight. I voted against fiscal decisions that destabilized the district’s finances. I am not afraid to make the tough choices to preserve our fiscal solvency.